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New Committee of Oil, Petroleum Product and Gas in BAG

3 Feb '20

In Business Association of Georgia, new committee of oil, petroleum product, and gas will be lead by Shavleg Mishveladze.
New committee and its head were officially confirmed by board of supervisors of BAG on January 30th.
It is also worth noting, that the committee will work on existed challenges in the field of petroleum products. Shavleg Mishveladze has 15 years of experience in maintaining managing sphere.
"BAG decided to establish a new committee since the business of petroleum product was improving chaotically through the years, which evoked the problem related to both the quality of the product and budget calculations. Here, I must also note, that business of petroleum products are major payers in country's budget and one of the largest employers. Therefore, strengthening the industry and improving it is our main priority and we hope, that within the collaboration with the state, we will be able to create long-term development strategy, which will promote improvement of the country's economy.", declared president of BAG, Soso Pkhakadze.