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The Decision of Cancellation of the So-Called Police Eviction Procedure was Appealed at  the Constitutional Court

13 Jul '16

Business Association of Georgia and Association of Banks of Georgia have appealed against the court’s decision on the cancellation of the so-called police eviction at  the Constitutional Court.

The Business Association submitted  to the Constitutional Court a constitutional complaint backed up with arguments on the  basis on which the business sector spoke about  a negative impact of  the proposed bill from the very beginning.

Given the fact that the courts are very busy with the civil cases, hearing deadlines are systematically violated and making a decision often takes more than a year. These legislative changes only mean that today any owner in this country is at risk, the risk that they have to spend at least one year for disputes to defend and take their ownership back. This means that the government violated its constitutional obligation to protect each person's right to property and to offer owners effective mechanisms to defend their rights.

Most importantly, the adoption of the bill has not facilitated  the condition of the citizens.

As a result of the factors mentioned above The Business Association of georgia and Association of Banks of Georgia  used the existing legal mechanism  and filled a lawsuit in the Constitutional Court, the goal of which is to defend the rights of property owners.