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The Power of Consumer

Nick Nanuashvili DCFTA

if we look at the unity of power and strength we will get a very powerful and effective weapon in the hands of the owner; but if we put out strength or power from the strength of Power  of nothing from it will remain and we will get a completely different thing.
Who is the consumer and why is he linked with the power of strength?
We all are consumers, who everyday make dozens of small or big deals, acquire goods and services from people, whose business is to sell the goods and services and we all have the strength of Power  - the strength of consumer.
The strength of Power is that by decision of consumer the company can simply disappear from the market, can take to bankrupt or force to sell the goods customers need.
Most of the companies are spending a lot of money to understand what the customer wants and then adapt its products and services on demand.
The strength of power always works in the cases where consumers have their rights and have will to know their rights.
In the last period those who watched the legislative process and information campaign around consumer protection law may think that  may, at first glance, think that Georgian consumers don’t have a proper protection of rights as EU citizen have, but it is not true; by national legislation , Georgian Consumers have the same rights as EU citizens have but in Georgia it’s popular to think that consumers rights aren’t protected.
Do we have the will to defend our rights as a consumer and to user consumer’s power?
Perhaps do we prefer I to be done by other man, by the State for which we will pay extra money?
The state already protects us wherever we just do not have neither the knowledge nor the opportunity to protect our rights; the state controls the quality of the product and compliance, which we use for consumption, the state controls the safety of the goods that enter our country, state offers special regulations in areas where are natural monopolies or it is related to the life and health of the excessive risks.
What will happens if the state controls everything and we will leave our rights up to state?

A lot of things will happen in this case, but nothing positive - we will pay even more money in a bureaucratic apparatus, which instead of us will decide what is better for us and from our persons will request it to entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs will empty the services or will meet these requirements and reflect them in increase of prices on the goods, or will deal with the people, who we choose to defend our rights and we pay them money for it, against us.
Maybe it's better to use our power of consumer from the start?!

The Power of Consumer