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Svanidze Holding has joined the Business Association of Georgia (BAG)

12 Mar '21

Svanidze Holding is a privately held company that conducts entrepreneurial driven investment and wealth management established by its founder George Svanidze.

It should be mentioned that the holding founder George Svanidze is currently the President of the International Olive Council.

The mission of the holding is to promote visionary companies and pioneers who provide innovative solutions in today’s global market.

Founded in 2007, the company is pursuing long-term, diversified investments whilst mitigating risk for the company clients by investing across various sectors in private equity, real estate and agriculture.

With a 14 year track record and a team of 30 employees, the family office operates several companies such as King’s Garden, Golf Land, Sheikh Land, Georgian Spa, Georgian Olive and Chateau Svanidze Winery.